The Universe is Going Well

The Universe is Going Well by Dadalite
The Universe is Going Well by Dadalite
The Universe is Going Well by Dadalite

After the Third World War or not even that … Humanity is finally extinct!

The Universe is Going Well by Dadalite

Not the virus, not global warming.

The Universe is Going Well by Dadalite
Something that must have gone completely unnoticed…
The Universe is Going Well by Dadalite

Then the arrival of The Aliens…

…Unable to imagine the disaster.

The Universe is Going Well by Dadalite
The Universe is Going Well by Dadalite
The aliens understand as natural life forms the only thing that has survived: MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF CHAIRS. They pick up some of the chairs, believing them to be skeletons of prehistoric beings. They decide to clone them and bring them to life.


The Universe is Going Well by Dadalite
The plan for the cloning and normalization of life on earth is booming and is all the rage. The aliens enjoy walks to their zoos on chairs covered in appetizing meat.
The Universe is Going Well by Dadalite
Chairs are enslaved and considered inferior, bestial and unemotional, but curious and entertaining.
The Universe is Going Well by Dadalite
They hold fairs to showcase their quadruped creatures.
The Universe is Going Well by Dadalite

Meanwhile, new research on life on earth, carried out by eminent extraterrestrial scientists, unveils the exoskeleton of prawns, lobsters and crickets. But they misinterpret their morphology again, associating these ancient beings with chairs, and with a luxury delicacy.


The Universe is Going Well by Dadalite
They reverse clone shrimp, the shell of which is hidden under the tender and delicate meat, and establish exquisite seafood restaurants and chairs throughout the galaxy.
The Universe is Going Well by Dadalite
The Universe is Going Well by Dadalite
The Universe is Going Well by Dadalite
The Universe is Going Well by Dadalite
The Universe is Going Well by Dadalite


They force the chairs to reproduce, and to spread their legs in monstrous breeding grounds.
The Universe is Going Well by Dadalite
The Universe is Going Well by Dadalite
The Universe is Going Well by Dadalite
The Universe is Going Well by Dadalite
The Universe is Going Well by Dadalite
The Universe is Going Well by Dadalite
The aliens soon suffer from the disease of gout. From other unknown diseases. And boredom. The decline begins.
In total debauchery, chair fights and bloody shows are staged.
The Universe is Going Well by Dadalite
The petty bourgeois morality of the defenders of the rights of chairs achieves the abolition of these shows, without giving any importance to the extermination of chairs in slaughterhouses.
The Universe is Going Well by Dadalite

But the tedium is such that the aliens decide to leave the planet in a fat ship and forget about the chairs.

The Universe is Going Well by Dadalite
Dead and eaten the last chair … you can see how the spaceship is moving away from the earth.
Exhausted, fat and proud, the aliens relax on their intergalactic loungers.

But intergalactic loungers are actually one-legged suction-cup chairs, first cousins to all suffering.

… Unheard of things will happen.