

FANTASMAGORÍA (2016). Publicado en ‘Materia impresa. De la virtualidad digital a la materialidad tridimensional en la investigación artística’. 2016, Páginas 127-143, ISBN 978-84-16605-63-7. Proyecto de investigación ‘Materia impresa: de la virtualidad digital a la...
The Lore of the Lyrebird

The Lore of the Lyrebird

The Lore of the Lyrebird (2014). Video and a collection of wood engravings. Display: ‘MetaMètode 2014′, group exhibition at Centro Cultural El Carme of Badalona, Barcelona, from September 4 to October 10, 2014. Publication: ‘Metamétodo. Shared Methodologies in...


Self-portrait (2013). This tendency to symmetry, to draw the same thing twice, bothers me. And the ears are too close to the nose. Finally, I end up drawing the movement of my eyes and not the image reflected in the mirror. The movement also determines the montage....
Grotesque States

Grotesque States

Grotesque States (2007-2011). States are proofs prior to an edition. The images are both inconclusive and definitive. Each image destroys the previous one on the copper plate. The video is a continuous fade of states, from first to 71. Grotesque...
Man with a Movie Camera

Man with a Movie Camera

Man with a Movie Camera (2006). Four-color photo-etching. Four copper plates for each image. Superimposed screens: those of each ink, those of the TV screen, those of a huge penis-camera prematurely obsolete. From cinema to print: moiré replaces human...