Le Mystère Dadalite

Le Mystère Dadalite

Dadalite is a collision between Macarena Liendo and Jordi Bielsa. Macarena studied Fine Arts at National University of Córdoba and University of Barcelona. She learned papier mâché from her grandma Nonina. Nonina had been taught by Garcia Lorca’s muse, Margarita...


L’Espagne ESPAGNE (Nº 10, 1956) Dominique Aubier et Manuel Tuñon de Lara Collection “Petite Planète”, sous la direction de Chris Marker Paris, Éditions du...
The Universe is Going Well

The Universe is Going Well

The Universe is Going Well After the Third World War or not even that … Humanity is finally extinct! Not the virus, not global warming. Something that must have gone completely unnoticed… Then the arrival of The Aliens… …Unable to imagine the...