

FANTASMAGORÍA (2016). Publicado en ‘Materia impresa. De la virtualidad digital a la materialidad tridimensional en la investigación artística’. 2016, Páginas 127-143, ISBN 978-84-16605-63-7. Proyecto de investigación ‘Materia impresa: de la virtualidad digital a la...
The Lore of the Lyrebird

The Lore of the Lyrebird

The Lore of the Lyrebird (2014). Video and a collection of wood engravings. Display: ‘MetaMètode 2014′, group exhibition at Centro Cultural El Carme of Badalona, Barcelona, from September 4 to October 10, 2014. Publication: ‘Metamétodo. Shared Methodologies in...


Self-portrait (2013). This tendency to symmetry, to draw the same thing twice, bothers me. And the ears are too close to the nose. Finally, I end up drawing the movement of my eyes and not the image reflected in the mirror. The movement also determines the montage....
Grotesque States

Grotesque States

Grotesque States (2007-2011). States are proofs prior to an edition. The images are both inconclusive and definitive. Each image destroys the previous one on the copper plate. The video is a continuous fade of states, from first to 71. Grotesque...
Man with a Movie Camera

Man with a Movie Camera

Man with a Movie Camera (2006). Four-color photo-etching. Four copper plates for each image. Superimposed screens: those of each ink, those of the TV screen, those of a huge penis-camera prematurely obsolete. From cinema to print: moiré replaces human...
Le Mystère Dadalite

Le Mystère Dadalite

Dadalite is a collision between Macarena Liendo and Jordi Bielsa. Macarena studied Fine Arts at National University of Córdoba and University of Barcelona. She learned papier mâché from her grandma Nonina. Nonina had been taught by Garcia Lorca’s muse, Margarita...
Grandville 1847

Grandville 1847

TWO DREAMS, BY J.-J. GRANDVILLEPublished in Le Magasin Pittoresque. Volume XV. – July 1847. Pages 210 to 214. Grandville died on March 17, 1847 at the age of forty-four. He had successively lost his wife, born like him in Nancy, and three small children. He succumbed...


L’Espagne ESPAGNE (Nº 10, 1956) Dominique Aubier et Manuel Tuñon de Lara Collection “Petite Planète”, sous la direction de Chris Marker Paris, Éditions du...


Daumier THE ARTISTS – Sketch by DAUMIER. LANDSCAPE ARTISTSThe first copies nature, the second copies the first.  LE CHARIVARI, 12-05-1865.   Today we inaugurate the DADALITE website, accompanied by our loved ones, and among all the great Daumier, traveling to...